Sep 18, 2018 | Training, Work-Life
Has your family been trying to figure out some rules to govern screen time? If so, you are not alone. Finding the correct formula for limiting the use of electronic devices in order to improve the quality of personal interactions and communication has become a...
Feb 6, 2018 | Health & Wellness
We are all accustomed to receiving instructions for improving our health. We know these directions by heart: eat more fruits and vegetables, get 8 hours of sleep each night, consume less sugar, stay hydrated etc. Somehow these repeated commands fail to inspire many of...
Apr 26, 2017 | EAP, Health & Wellness
One of the more common misconceptions about counseling is that the primary purpose is to rehash troubling events from the past. This is a particularly harmful misconception because, if you believe it, you are likely to conceive of counseling as a painful and futile...