Nov 13, 2018 | Leadership, Motivation
Bad bosses are an unwelcome, but all too common, feature of the American workplace. Work environments have an abundance of stressors, but having a bad boss may be the worst. Consider the fact that approximately 50% of American workers have left their jobs in order to...
Jan 9, 2018 | EAP, Health & Wellness, Productivity, Stress, Work-Life
It’s not a shocker to learn that a blog with a name like (inaugurated in 2012) has featured more posts about stress than any other topic. However, you may be surprised to see how many different dimensions there are to the...
Sep 20, 2016 | Leadership, Productivity
We tend to focus on resolving conflicts and not on what happens much farther upstream. Forget about resolving conflict, what about those of us who have a hard time facing conflict at all, and when we are forced to, feel furious and awful. For many of us, due to a...
Apr 6, 2016 | EAP, Leadership, Motivation, Productivity
I can’t cite a source for the widely circulated statistic that “ten percent of conflicts are caused by a difference of opinion and 90% are caused by tone of voice” but my EAP consulting work supplies a steady stream of examples demonstrating the primacy of emotional...
Mar 23, 2016 | Leadership, Motivation, Productivity
We spend a high percentage of our waking hours interacting with our work colleagues. Conventional wisdom has it that coworkers don’t have to like each other; they just need to do their jobs. According to some very interesting research coming out of Carnegie-Mellon and...