Sep 20, 2016 | Leadership, Productivity
We tend to focus on resolving conflicts and not on what happens much farther upstream. Forget about resolving conflict, what about those of us who have a hard time facing conflict at all, and when we are forced to, feel furious and awful. For many of us, due to a...
Aug 24, 2016 | Leadership, Productivity, Work-Life
The United States won 121 medals out of a possible 306 at the 2016 Rio Olympics which just concluded in Brazil. You probably are not aware that Denmark defeated the United States 2-0 in Women’s Badminton (doubles) at the Rio Olympics. More importantly, you may not...
May 3, 2016 | Leadership, Productivity, Work-Life
Department of Labor (DOL) is preparing to introduce new rules governing overtime pay this summer. The new regulations, which represent an historical reversal of a 50 year old trend, are very good news for salaried employees making between $23,600 and $50,440 per year....
Apr 6, 2016 | EAP, Leadership, Motivation, Productivity
I can’t cite a source for the widely circulated statistic that “ten percent of conflicts are caused by a difference of opinion and 90% are caused by tone of voice” but my EAP consulting work supplies a steady stream of examples demonstrating the primacy of emotional...
Mar 23, 2016 | Leadership, Motivation, Productivity
We spend a high percentage of our waking hours interacting with our work colleagues. Conventional wisdom has it that coworkers don’t have to like each other; they just need to do their jobs. According to some very interesting research coming out of Carnegie-Mellon and...
Jan 20, 2016 | Leadership, Work-Life
Usually when we speak and think about tolerance and compassion for those with Asperger’s Disorder, it is in the context of children at school. Educators and parents emphasize the many strengths of these individuals and request kindness and understanding from their...